WORK AWAY-ITALY Looking for a different way to travel? Try Work Away. I had been looking forward to writing this post for two reasons. Number one: WORK AWAY is a great way to travel on a budget if you don’t mind maybe getting your hands dirty. This was my...
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead Conscious travel in Bali BALI, what images does your mind conger up when you think of this place; Yoga...
URBAN TRAVEL OPTIONS-BALI I don’t know about you, but when I travel I always consider how I’m going to get from A to B Booking central accommodation and being walking distance to transport systems are mostly at the top of my checklist. Especially when staying...
17 planes… 5 trains…. And I don’t know how many buses and other modes of transport But after two months traveling I’m HOME. I’m finally writing my first blog post. Not for a lack of material to write about but more a lack of...
CUBA – I love you, but it’s complicated. Since I’ve traveled to Cuba one thing people have ask me is “How do you find it?” I am in love with Cuba, it’s a complicated country. But in such an exciting and wonderful way! There...