Recognizing my anxiety and neurodiversity later in life.

Using travel as a wellness tool.


I’ve always been an over-thinker, for as long as I can remember.

One of my earliest memories is from when I was around 9 or 10. A girl brought “diamond” earrings to school, and I argued they couldn’t be real—not to tease her but because, logically, they just didn’t seem possible. You can imagine how well that went over with a bunch of 9 year old’s! And growing up, I often felt like I didn’t quite fit in.

Being an only child probably added to some of my quirks, and I was okay with that—until I started realizing just how “different” I was. Back then, we didn’t have names for the things I was feeling. Terms like ‘dyslexia’ weren’t used when I was in school, but I’m pretty sure I’ve dealt with a mild form of it my entire life. (Anyone who follows my social media posts will likely notice!)

In high school, I found a small group of friends who were also a bit “left of center,” and we were labeled as “that group.” We weren’t the norm, but we didn’t mind.

Life went on, and you learn to cope because, well, you don’t know any different. In fact, I didn’t really know I was different.

In my teens and early twenties, I went through several abusive relationships, both mentally and physically. Which was detrimental to my self-confidence. It wasn’t until I reached my thirties that I finally broke free from that pattern.

This was also the time when travel came into my life in a big way, and things really began to change.




WWOOFing, in Tuscany-Italy



How Anxiety Fits Into This

Only in the last few years have I realized that the feelings I experience—racing thoughts, a pounding heart, sometimes overreacting—are my symptoms of anxiety.

It was through conversations and experiences with my travel clients, many of whom experience anxiety about organizing trips and the fears they may face, that I recognized it. I saw the same patterns in myself in my day-to-day life.

Looking back now, I can now see how huge my travel achievements were, like taking my first major solo trip to Egypt in my late thirties and going on my OE (Overseas Experience) at forty. At the time, I didn’t know I had anxiety, but these experiences made me feel incredibly strong and capable.

They taught me that I can deal with life’s challenges. It’s only now that I fully appreciate how much those travel moments helped me navigate the rest of my life.

Yet, as I get older, my anxiety has not eased in some ways (maybe because I recognize it). I second-guess myself, question my worth, and still wonder where I truly “fit in.”

But here’s the thing…



Me, out in the Sahara Desert-Morocco.


Travel: The Anxiety Buster

When I’m traveling, much of that fear and anxiety fades.

Yes, there are stressful moments—long flights, getting lost, questionable accommodations—but I cope. That’s the key.

When I travel, I’m in the moment. I’m not stuck in my head. There’s a freedom in not having every second of the trip pre-planned. People accept me (or don’t) for who I am, without any emotional baggage—except for the literal baggage I’m lugging around.

And that’s what I love about travel—it’s that pure acceptance.



Time to FLY…..


Embrace Your Quirks and Hit the Road

No matter your age, how your brain works, or how quirky and “different” you feel, embrace it. This message is as much a reminder to myself as it is to you.

Travel offers a powerful tool for personal growth. Yes, there will be moments of frustration, but there will also be moments of sheer “WOWiness!” (That’s my new word.) Those pinch-me moments when you think, “Was this all worth it?”

The answer………

Hell yes, it was.


Wanderlust Solo Women Tours and Travel Coaching

Gina- CEO & Founder of Wanderlust Solo Women Tours  and Wanderlust Travel Coaching

P.S. If you want to dive deeper into the world of solo female travel and empowerment, be sure to check out our other blog posts for more inspiration, tips, and stories from fellow wanderers like yourself or join our travel FB community. Let’s continue this journey together!



wanderlust solo women tours and travel coaching

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At Wanderlust Solo Women Tours, we celebrate the spirit of exploration and support among women travelers. Whether you’re seeking a room-sharing adventure or a solo escape, our tours and retreats are designed to cater to the diverse needs of women aged 30 and above. Join us in discovering the world, one amazing destination at a time.




Gina Cambridge

Gina Cambridge

Your host and founder of Wanderlust Solo Women Tours

If you have had any travel experiences you would love to share about traveling solo, or how travel has helped you I would love to hear about them.  Please leave a comment below or feel free to get in contact.

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