Emma and I first met online. She was interested in coming on my Bali retreat and I was happy answering her questions and supporting her to make her first visit to South East Asia.

Though Emma had traveled before, SEA  was a little out of her comfort zone, though somewhere she was very passionate about visiting.

When I finally met Emma in Bali, I knew we were going to have a fabulous time. She embraced every activity and experience with vigor and excitement. She truly was a joy to be around.

I watched her confidence bloom and make new friends, which is one of the magic things travel can give you-new friendships. She even tried chicken feet soup which I’m not even game at trying!

I can’t wait to see where the next chapter of her life takes her, while now dipping her toes into her new blog and embracing a wellness lifestyle.




Introduce yourself:

Hi, I’m Emma. I recently turned 24 and live in Grand Rapids, MI in the United States.  I’m a yogi, blogger, traveler and lover of all things chocolate. 




What made you or inspired you to travel?

I’ve always had a deep fascination and appreciation for other cultures ever since I was a young girl. I’ve studied Spanish all the way from elementary school through college and have studied abroad twice. I just want to see the world through the eyes of the locals and experience different ways of life. 





What has been your main challenge in following your travel dream?

My main challenge has been coordinating travel while beginning and maintaining a career. I would love to get into some type of remote work so I am able to travel more often! 







How do you fund your travels, any tips to share?

Start saving and planning ahead! 





What are your top travel hacks for women traveling solo?

I think connecting with other women who are also solo travelers that you can meet up with was something that really helped me during my first solo trip. I still keep in touch with the women I met during my last solo trip.







Have you got a favourite travel experience?

I think my favorite travel experience was riding these electric bikes through the rice fields in Bali and taking in the moment and being absolutely in love with life. It hit me right then I was actually in Bali, a place I had dreamed of going to for so long and I did it and made it happen. It was a fleeting moment but it is one I will always remember and cherish. 








Are there any lessons you’ve learnt or have you experienced personal growth through  travel?

I feel a lot more confident in myself now. Especially while traveling but also in everyday life. I learned that I can be brave and take that leap and I can navigate through the unknown. I also learned I can make friends wherever I am and that people are inherently good. 







Finally, is there any advice you’d give to another woman wanting to change their life and maybe travel solo but is unsure where to start?

I think if there is a place you are dying to go to, just go. Don’t wait for other people to join you or to be ready because you can’t rely on other people who may never be ready! 

Finding a solo women group tour to help ease your way into the swing of things is the biggest advice for someone who is new to travel and nervous to take the big jump.  It was what helped me out the most and what made me feel the most confident, comfortable and safe. 



Thank you so much for sharing your travel story

and inspiring other women to chase their dreams

and take a chance to see this beautiful planet!


Want to know more about Emma and follow her journey? 

You can find her here; 


Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/emma.belden/

Blog – https://authentically-emma.com 

Email – beldenemma@gmail.com

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Paeroa, New Zealand, 3578



© Wanderlust Solo Women Tours 2025