How to deal with Anxiety while Travelling

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Anxiety is all too common these days, but it can be managed and eliminated!

Read on to learn how you can manage any anxiety that pops up while you are travelling……


I’m no stranger to travel – or anxiety.

I have wanted to travel for as long as I can remember. After two trips to Australia and one to Thailand, I finally left New Zealand for an extended stint of travel – alone! For 2 years. To say I was scared, nervous, anxious, is an understatement. I was also incredibly excited!

Any fears were far outweighed by my desire to see the world.

I sold all my things and stepped on that plane back in 2014. Little did I know, my whole life would change in so many amazing ways, through high, highs and low, lows.

So, how did I deal with the anxiety that came up?

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Here’s 5 key ways I dealt with my anxiety:


1; Preparation!

Be prepared! Do your research. Know where you are going and what you need, personally. Do you need to be able to be connected to the internet and make calls? Research local sims. Do you need to stay close to the centre of the city? Book accordingly. Think about your personal anxiety triggers and pre-empt them.


2; Always be early.

Wherever you are going, however you are going, be early. If you get lost, struggle with translations, you have given yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.


3; Be Flexible.

Things WILL go wrong. It’s how we deal with and react to those things that is key here. We are so used to a lot of control in our day to day lives, when you travel, often things are not in your control. Let go. Adapt. Accept. It’s all part of the adventure. You will learn a new level of patience that will be very helpful for life’s ups and downs!


4; Tools.

Having the necessary tools in place to deal with your anxiety on the spot is KEY. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing, Mindfulness, sniffing essential oils, a walk in nature, speaking to a loved one, journaling – there are many tools to help you keep calm in anxiety inducing situations.


5; Have Fun!

This is new territory, enjoy the ride! Have fun and embrace the chance to grow as an individual!



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Sarah Noble is a Mindset and Mindfulness Speaker, Writer and Mentor,

and Accredited Mindfulness Teacher

She lives in Dunedin with her partner and son, Dylan, who is 10 months old.

She loves vegetables, rock music, nature, travel and swearing.

You can find Sarah on Instagram and Facebook




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